Saturday, October 24, 2015

Is the job market and economy in Las Vegas improving or is it getting worse? -

I m hoping to land a job in one of the major Las Vegas strip resorts for hotel management or anywhere else in Vegas besides the strip hotels. Will the job market improve anytime soon?

14% unemployment and growing daily. State, county and cities are laying off and furloughing employees. Casinos have cut hours by at least 8 hours. Jobs in the gaming industry are limited and few. You don t get into hotel management without a degree like from UNLV Hotel Management. The expected job market improvement is at least two years ago according to UNLV.

It s getting worse and I don t see any recovery any time soon. In fact the Sahara just closed two of it s hotel towers for lack of occupancy. The 9,000 jobs created at City Center had more than 150,000 applicants. For the first time in a couple of decades, more people are leaving than coming in. The budget has another 50 million shortfall of revenue and the state will be forced to make more cuts in services. Our official unemployment rate is still over 13%, now the highest in the nation. A friend was let go after 17 years middle management with a strip hotel as her job was eliminated. I don t see any improvement for another 3-4 years as we have not hit bottom yet. After the 1st of the year, expect another round of layoffs across the entire spectrum of the jobs here.

Highly doubt it. Hotels are going to start closing towers, floors or wings to save money. When they do that they can lay off the employees. This is the next step as the hotels are loosing money here on a regular basis. Don t see it turning around for many years. When things start to pick up they will just open the closed rooms and call back the laid off workers. Might want to read the following web page.