Catch a direct non-stop flight between ORD and LGA (LaGuardia) or ORD and expect aprox 2-2.5 hour depending on airline carrier.Get a car, and expect around 12-14 hours depending on your speed and driving conditions. If you average around 75 mph, expect around 13 hour travel time with short breaks in between.My advise, catch a plane unless there s three + passengers. In a winter time, airfare is super cheap (around $75 each way plus tax).Good luck :)
13 hours 1 minute / 791.48 miles by car ��dunno about plane
By airplane it s about a two hour flight. By car, it s a 13 hour drive, 790 miles.Source: Mapquest
From Chicago To New York Flying I fly United its supposed to be 2 hrs.. Its usually 1hr and a half or a little over.Driving with stops its usually 13-14 hours
12 hours 16 minutes hours in car and 4 in plane