The answer is yes in my state (Washington).I live in the suburbs north of Seattle, and there are homeless (that s the phrase we use, but you are more correct to call them beggars ) at the exits to the freeways. they do not stand at the entrances because the cars are speeding up there, not slowing down.They are also at the intersections next to large discount stores (Walmart, Costco, Fred Meyer etc.).Usually one person/group will have staked out an intersection or freeway exit, so there is only one per location. But yes, they are there.
Yes we do, but more often than not they are not genuinely homeless, they are middle class people dressed up as homeless people and some of them make as much as $75,000 a year, and try not to pay taxes on it! I used to buy them a dollar hamburger, fries and soda and they would say no, they wanted the money. Screw that. I don t help them anymore.
Not in Indiana...most of them are at the intersections...and in the county I live in, they have a certain space they have to stay in. If they are within like 50 feet of the actual intersection, then they are arrested. People had been complaining about certain ones actually kicking car doors hitting windows because that person didn t help...which most of the time they really don t need help.
Not just the states. And more at intersections (lights where people have to stop) than on and off ramps (where I cannot remember seeing any ever - the occasional hitchhiker, sure, but it isn t a good place to beg, peeps are passing too fast to stop).
its true where i the exit ramps theres this guy that stands there with a sign saying will work for food ...i wont help him cause right behind him theres a sign at Taco Bell saying now hiring ...usually they just want to lay around and have others support them..
We do not have it in Georgia, US but it may occur in NYC or San Francisco. Just give a mean look like you want to take their money and if they are smart will back off. Before I go crazy like a chimp who goes beserk.
No not really sometimes there will be a fake one at our exit and we live on the wealthier side of town, so you know he is faking.
lol,you must not drive.!!! of course we do they will work for food/ I would hire them, some times I do give em $$ and cigeretts, when I smoked
That s a fact here in California.
I m not from US but i can tell u one thing.....OF COURSE THERE ARE ....THERE ARE BEGGARS EVERYWHERE !!!! In what perfect world do u leave in :| ?
more under bridges then exits
It`s true
oh how awful if true. It wouldn t surprise me - they have a great deal of poverty in the US that we don t hear about through their mass media.