I personally think that New England would be better off without the USA, the war mongering and imperial USA is hated throughout the world, the educated and anti-war people of New England would be better of on their own, New England is safe, clean and has a good Anglo-Celtic culture.Does anyone in New England advocate independence?
Of course we can. We pay way more in federal taxes than we get back, and we have a relatively strong economy in contrast to the rest of the country (except RI) In fact, a few years ago, there was a lot of joking about New England seceeding during the Bush Regime. Right now, it s not necessary to seceed, but if push came to shove, I would be all for it. Our values are different from the rest of America, have a robust high-tech economy and we could certainly feed ourselves. I m sure New York and large parts of New Jersey would love to join us too. But now is not the time
New England would certainly survive as it s own nation. The Boston-area leads the nation in education and medicine, and is one of the top engineering and financial hubs in the country. It also has plenty of resources and farmland.NE pays far more into the federal government than it receives in federal benefits. If New England tax dollars went to New England projects, we wouldn t have to beg D.C. for the Big Dig. We d already have a rail and tunnel system that surpasses most of Europe.
Queen of answers,You don t know much about New England. Most of Vermont is farm land. Ever hear of Cabot cheese? New Hampshire and Maine also have a lot of farm land. Maine is one of the leading potato producing states in the country. New England is also major grower of apples, pears. Huge fishing industry, raising chickens - in particular for egg production has been a major industry. Forestry is probably the single largest industry in New England. Do I advocate succession, no. As a nation, the US needs to do a better job of selecting and holding our elected officials accountable. Our priorities are wrong.-------edit-------California has the 6th largest economy in the world. If any state should go independent it should be Cal.
Yes it would!New England has Boston, it is populated by an overwhelmingly educated people who share a lot of the same values, New Englanders would have a much better overseas reputation than Americans!Boston has great research facilities and the greatest university in the world is located in Mass!We could so survive on our own, and we have the best food out of the South!
If there s enough farmland for crops, and livestock to feed all of the people there. And you d have to do the farmwork by hand, as the manufacturing companies of farm equipment aka John Deere are in the midwest. Also, the car manufacturers, what there is left of them.Trees-- Paper products ? All mining things like metals come from places like Colorado.Most of the war mongering comes from the east coast. Washington DC. I would advertise that clean safe.. you ll have people moving there like crazy now.
much of new england is very poor and rural---vermont, new hampshire , maine , etc...the developed areas would not be able to sustain the undeveloped areas so no new england cant survive on its own..where would all the poor white trash get theor welfare checks from if NE was on its own???
In fact, New England almost suceeded during the war of 1812.If it suceeded now it would probably ask to join Canada and would do very well.
Well... ahhh... let me answer that when I come back. I ve got to join some friends of mine for a Tea Party they are throwing tomorrow night.
I think just MA and NH should break off from the US. It s the best of both worlds- live free or die nh and taxachusetts, my love (:
I think soo ................... i live in MA. and if it came to that YEA
no, it would not.
umm no it would not
NE is awesome..enough said.. We don t have to explain why.. we just are.. Deal with it..