Monday, December 14, 2009

Do any know about the site www.moverssearchandreviews? -

this is the site which i came anybody know about it?

at moverssearchandreviews you can you share your moving or relocation experience. also get list of moving companies in your location.

Was a 13yr old boy killed in allentown, pa on november 28th? -

by a youth gang.

i don t think so.


Which one of these two cities is more exciting to sight see: San Diego or San Fransico? -

San Diego! its just a great place if you come going to Coronado is a MUST!! great views

SD - great for whale tours,theme parks,beaches,girls,trolley to San Ysidro,Night clubs,Lots of hiking! PQ,TP (torrey pines not toilet paper!), um Cuyamaca,Julian,Snow,Snow SnowSF-Berkly,Golden Gate Bridge,Peteluma,Redwood forest. My vote has to be SD cause they have beaches,beach hikes and forests!

SD is the best!just more stuff to do! and the people are friendly!

Im going to San Antonio, Tx. What should I take to wear? -

Im wondering what I need to pack. Its almost Decemeber and I have never been there before. (shorts, jeans, thin longs sleeves....? )

Layers! I probably wouldn t pack shorts, but jeans, short sleeved shirts, pullover long-sleeved sweaters or sweatshirts, and a jacket should carry you through nearly anything. Oh, and a raincoat or umbrella, because, thank God, the cold fronts have been bringing rain.Enjoy your trip!

If you re from the North, the weather in December in SA is similar to the weather in September up there.

fairly cool now. You won t need a real heavy coat, but shorts might be optimistic...take a pair anyway, though, what the heck!

You should take a lobster.

Family Travel Fund/Account. Anyone have one? -

As Christmas gets closer- the unsettling reality is we will not afford to go visit our family in the states. We (our 3yr old, husband self) live abroad to run the small family owned business. Going on yr # 3 now, in Central America that is, and we have established a tradition that is to visit our Texas family @ summer Christmas time. There is absolutely nothing Christmas about where we live, nor any family oriented things to do besides kick a ball within our confined resided area we call home.-(which is Honduras- so you can get the idea). So,.. at this day and age, I do not have any shame in saying- contribute to Our Christmas Fam. Fund- so that we may (fingers crossed) be able to visit you. -(That,.. to be directed to our family back home). SO, ? is,.. how do we do this? What about starting a Fam. Blog- and maybe incorporating an account of some sort to it rather than saying- oh just write a check and dep. in our bank account. At least this way, it s kind of like giving back to them, with current fam. updates and photos, etc??? Let s not beat around the bush- we do not have 6k laying around the house-and that does not include gifts, a bite to eat or outings-that s just flight,hotel car rental. So,... ideas anyone?

Tell your family the best gift you could get would be to have a trip home, so you d rather they contribute towards travel expenses rather than buying gifts for the 3 of you. I wouldn t expect that to cover the entire cost but it would certainly decrease the amount you d have to pay.

Most people like myself don t even get to see our family once a year so save your own money or quit boo hoo-ing