Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Food booth in downtown disney anaheim? -

i want put food booth in downtown disney anaheim but i have no idea where to start, before i call to Diseny anybody have any idea that i should concern?

Unless you re some kind of celebrity chef or with something very unique, I think Disneyland has what food that they know they want already.

This question is under the wrong category (Orlando). You need to repost this question in the CA forum and will probably get a better response :)

Can Jimmy Carters Birthplace be viewed? -

Jimmy Carter was born in a hospital, can you go inside and see where he was born?

Yes, you can walk into any public or private hospital and ask for a tour.Hope I helped

You can visit his boyhood home in Plains, GA. I ve never heard of anyone visiting the hospital where he was born.

You probably can, but I don t see the point. Hospital are all alike.

Can anyone give me any tips and things to be taken into account for new year in NYC? -

Best to avoid it, haha. But really its something that you do once and then decide that that one time is enough. I am in no discouraging you, but be prepared for MASSIVE amounts of people. Ok, so some tips that I can give you.1. Bring water2. Don t drink too much water because the bathroom situation can be daunting.3. Get there EARLY, like several hours early, it fills up REALLY fast.4. Have a meeting place in case you get separated from the people you went with; you probably will.5. Bring a cell phone.6. Beware of pick-pocketers, etc. only take with you what you need. Try to keep wallets in an inside coat pocket that is zipped up and DO NOT BRING A PURSE if it can be avoided.7. Other than that just use common sense, try to have a good time and enjoy the ONCE in a lifetime experience.Post Script: Don t give money to the homeless, it immediately signals that you are a tourist and a lot of those homeless people are wealthier than you are.Hope this helped!!

brings lots of condoms for the mass orgy as the ball drops, and u cant discriminate on who comes up to u, age or color, its all fair game baby!!! but have the decency if u gonna put it in #2 to ask permission, it s freakin New Years for cryin out loud........