Generally, not much different from living in the UK. The daily routines are similar. Specifics will vary by location. Most people are just trying to live their lives.What specifically are you curious about?I think the best thing to do would be c mon over and see for yourself! You ll have an excellent time!
it s beginning to look more and more the same everywhere you go, even other countries are beginning to look more like America these days. It s an industrialized nation with tons of goods made in China.People are really loud here, but they are also more friendly and helpful to strangers than people in other countries, I ve heard.You can do whatever you want, but it depends on what state you live in, whether what you want to do will be legal or not. nobody cares that much about speaking English. as far as spelling, grammar, pronunciation, sentence structure, and actually using English words are concerned. you can usually understand people though, no matter what accent, dialect, or mixture of foreign language they are speaking.
Lots of working, not near as many holidays as UK and the rest of Europe. About 6 holidays, if you work a job that they actually let you have it off. Usually 2 weeks vacation, on a job, for the first 5 yrs or so. Jobs are scarce. Lots of people s homes are in foreclosure.Its pretty fast paced. People can be nice 60% or be very rude. 40%There is lots of things to see and do. Each state is unique.Its changing very fast now, and I dont think its for the better..
That really depends which part of the country you live in. The US is very large and has many climates/environments. Generally it is a good place to live if you can get past the religious zealots.
I live on a farm on the West Coast it s ok.I love the land, but hate the government.The US has a lot of nice things, but barely any culture and most people are kind of closed minded.
American comedians make fun of their president all the time and the opposition spread rumors about him. The Queen is very protected in the UK.
you work like a rented mule for 50 yearsgo to Disneylandthen die
its ok