Friday, December 25, 2009

Does the Simpsons Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood go upside down? -


No, it does not.Even if it did, going upside down is not that bad.

no. the ride went into the place of the back to the future ride. it is just a vehicle with hydraulics that doesnt go forwards in front of a huge screen. think star tours at Disneyland.

no, it s a simulation ride that just goes back and forth and side to side inside a huge room with like 10 other cars

If it did, then that would mean that a major malfunction has occurred and you can be kissing your...bye.

Is the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge open today? -


Yes. For questions like this and to check road conditions in general check the Caltran website.

or try for update traffic reports

Is it safe to take the LIRR to penn station approx.3:00 am?amp; is it safe in Pennamp; walking from penn to times? -

is it safe in Penn station and walking from penn station to the times square area ( 44th street 6th avenue or so) ( near broadway) at 3:00/4:00 am?

I ve lived in New York all my life and personally I wouldn t want to walk from Penn to Times Square at that hour. I d take a cab.

Of course it is. However, why walk from Penn Station to Times Square, where you can take a cab at that hour of the morning?Good luck