CNAs don t make a lot of money. If you want to make a lot of money , you should go back to school for an extra year and a half at a community college and become an RN. As far as being a CNA in Cali, you could find a home-health company and go to old rich people s houses to take care of them...but then again, they would rather hire LPNs or RNs....
Friday, May 10, 2013
Where is the best place in CA for CNAs to make alot of money? -
How long does it take a person to take an elevator to the 100th floor, starting from the 1st floor? -
Depends on how fast the elevator is and how many people are on the elevator. A good elevator could do about 1-100 floors in about 2:30 seconds, but only with 1-4 people. Hope this helps =D
What building are you in? :P
Who lives in miami, what are you wearing in november-december climate? -
I m wearing t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops. I might put on a pair of socks if it gets below 60 at night. C mon down.
I live in Fort myers which tends to be just a little cooler than miami but not much. Anyway during the day it is pretty warm, you will see people wearing shorts. The sun is brighter than it is up north as well. A few nights it might be cool enough that you need a light jacket, then for a while the nights will be warm enough for short sleves but not hot. Just depends if a cool front comes through. It really doesn t get cool until january and february for the most part. And even then you will get warm spells in between the cool spells. Like day time highs in the mid 60 s for a couple or few days. Then up into the 70 s for a coupld days, then the lower 80 s for 3 or 4 days. Then back down into the lower 60 s or 70 s. Usually it does not stay chilly for more than a week or two.
i wear either pants with a shirt, or shorts with knee high socks with a shirt (shirt as in t shirt)and when im inside i wear all that with a sweater, but then again my grandma always keeps the air at 67degrees.. heres a video i did about my neighborhood in miami, check it, and you can see how the locals dress here��
It is warm and the nights you might need a light sweater. The iffy months are Jan Feb, so come on down and tan yourself
I agree with Pall, but there is always a chance we get a cold front so bring a light to medium jacket.