Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Best place to park and sleep in ones car? -

So, where s a good place to park for the night and just sleep in the car? Preferably a safe enough area, but not so nice that it would be suspicious and prompt someone to call the police. Any ideas? Backstory (as I have a feeling, given the request, it will come into question): Going to LA tomorrow for 1 night (not an optional trip, definitely a necessity) and will have my dog along with me. Won t be able to get there until 8 or 9. A friend of mine said I could stay with him but then his girlfriend later said no (due to my dog). Dog can t be left at home/no one I d trust to take care of him who s able to right now. Already spending as much money as I can just getting down there so a hotel is a no-go.Thanks!

I would try Park Drive near Echo Park, around say Ewing or Duane as the cross streets. This is near the Grace E. Simons lodge and has nice homes, free street parking, and relative seclusion. Plus you can walk your dog in the park. Don t park down the hill where it s flat as that s more dangerous.

why don t you just park in your friends drive it would be the best so if the cops roll up you have permission to be there and use of a shower and bath in the morning.

Alhambra, take the I-10 east. Burbank, take the I-5 north. Glendale, take the I-5 north as well. Just stay out of South and East L.A. Anywhere in West L.A would be alright.

Right outside Jamal s compound in Watts

Question about pet friendly hotels in Chicago? -

I was just wondering does my dog get to stay in the room with me and are you allowed to leave them in the room if we wanted to go out to dinner or something like that?

Best Westerns have pets and Extended Stay America also allows pets. They are in the chicagoland area, but not sure of any in chicago, but I think by O hare airport. I think you must have them in a cage when you are not around, especially if they have to clean the room.

I feel bad most Hotel politicizes will not allow you to keep a dog alone in the room by them self or allowing you to bring a dog to the Hotel. Do me a favor call be for going check out different hotels in the area your going to make sure so that your not disappointed.

Coming from NY, better to see Jersey Boys or O in Las Vegas? -

Okay...I have to admit...I wanted to say Jersey Boys at first...Many of my friends have seen Jersey Boys and rave about it, and recommend it to everyone possible.However, if you can see it back in NY for the same $ or less....seeing something else is a good idea. O is a good classy show...but NOT high energy...the music can be a bit tame and if you aren t night-people used to being up late...don t see the later wife fell asleep. Mellow energy throughout large portions of the show and mellow classical music throughout...I had to wake her a few times so she didn t snore too loudly. Nothing against the s pretty and the performances are amazing....but the other comment had it right...Le Reve is a good/better choice.I have seen O a couple times...I have seen Le Reve a couple times...I would be likely to see Le Reve again, I d only go see O again if I felt I HAD as a guest of a business acquaintance, etc. Le Reve is a higher energy show...the showroom is in-the-round can t have a bad seat there...and the performances at equally amazing...and I do mean AMAZING....oh, and even though the theme is a bit of a nightmarish-weirdo dream/fantasy of a pregnant woman (a statement against too many pre-natal drugs maybe?) does have a story line...unlike O ...not much of a story to follow there!Oh, if you are into Asian/Martial Arts stuff....KA is pretty amazing too! (no water diving, but very amazng!)

Probably better for you to see O since this is the only place to see it. Jersey Boys is still on Broadway. Alternative things to see would be Ka at the MGM or Le Reve at the Wynn. Why come here to see a Broadway play when you live in NY. People who do not live close to NY usually go to see those. See something unique to Vegas when here. Just a suggestion.

Very different shows. Jersey Boys is the exact same show/play as in New York. O is the water form of Mystere the original cirque in Vegas. So since you are from NY, pick O.

Both are great shows but I will suggest seeing O if can afford the tickets. You can always see Jersey Boys on Broadway.

le reve is better than either.

Whats a nice cool, fun road trip car? -

Ive been plannning road trips from Wisconsin to the beach shores of California in san diego. So whats a nice sporty convertible car that is still somewhat good on gas? please and thank you!

Advice from a fellow Wisconsinite...My sister and I took a road trip in our 06 Mazda Miata to San Elijo State Beach (�� That little beauty got about 30 mpg.Good luck!

Well I used to have a Chrysler Sebring rag top and road tripped with it a lot. I pulled about 28 MPG with it. It was stolen a couple of months back.

A couple of months back I found a Chrysler Sebring rag top that gets about 28mpg. I d recommend something like that.

Pontiac Grand Pris

How do I get from Penn Station to Bowery? -

Can someone give me the easiest way to get there using the subway? Thank you. =)

Native New Yorker made a mistake. He meant exit at Grand Street. Do not exit at Grand Central.

Take the downtown (southbound) A , C or E train (Blue Line on the subway map) from Penn Station to West 4th Street-Washington Square.Once at West 4th Street, transfer downstairs to the B or D trains (Orange Line). Take either Brooklyn-bound (southbound) train from West 4th Street to Grand Street.At Grand Street, exit the subway and walk a block west on the Grand Street to the Bowery. source=s��I hope this information is very helpful.Good luckNative New Yorker

we all have to look at the subway map for that. theres only one place to get the map on the internetclick the one that says PDF. that s the good one. know that It isn t drawn to proportion.