So, where s a good place to park for the night and just sleep in the car? Preferably a safe enough area, but not so nice that it would be suspicious and prompt someone to call the police. Any ideas? Backstory (as I have a feeling, given the request, it will come into question): Going to LA tomorrow for 1 night (not an optional trip, definitely a necessity) and will have my dog along with me. Won t be able to get there until 8 or 9. A friend of mine said I could stay with him but then his girlfriend later said no (due to my dog). Dog can t be left at home/no one I d trust to take care of him who s able to right now. Already spending as much money as I can just getting down there so a hotel is a no-go.Thanks!
I would try Park Drive near Echo Park, around say Ewing or Duane as the cross streets. This is near the Grace E. Simons lodge and has nice homes, free street parking, and relative seclusion. Plus you can walk your dog in the park. Don t park down the hill where it s flat as that s more dangerous.
why don t you just park in your friends drive it would be the best so if the cops roll up you have permission to be there and use of a shower and bath in the morning.
Alhambra, take the I-10 east. Burbank, take the I-5 north. Glendale, take the I-5 north as well. Just stay out of South and East L.A. Anywhere in West L.A would be alright.
Right outside Jamal s compound in Watts