Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is a cheaper way to travel than greyhound? -

Im planning on leaving from knoxville TN to Phoenix AR here in a few months and I know about the whole plan 21 days in advance with greyhound but still it will be $200 dollars or at least in the area.. So does any one know of cheaper alternative buses or other modes of transit that might be cheaper?

Not really. The only other way would be to hitch hike and then you re not guaranteed to get there! Taking a bus isn t going to kill you. I would plan on spending some money along the way for food and sodas.

greyhound sucks. and that trip will take 48 to 72hours or more on greyhound. (greyhound is the cheepest way) but going bus. your boned if you wish to sleep. plus some places you have to watch for the crackheads who will try and steal you bet. Drive!!!!!!!! so you can stop when you want to. and it will be much much faster. but it will prob cost a bit more.

Ride a camel or a donkey.

What? Leaves from knoxville tn? Damn, who leaves from knoxville tn nowadays??

Don t think so. Wow - that sounds like the trip from Hell!! Good luck!

The Best way to make it on your own (Run away)? -

Say you want to run away from home, or say you turn 18 and your dad says get the hell out.Where do you go, what do you do, what is the best way to start your own life from nothing?


Join the military. A place to stay, health care, a salary, training. opportunity to advance and a safe place to think of your next move. Stay out of the Marines unless you always wanted to be one, stay out of combat jobs, the little bit extra you get paid isn t worth it.Decide what you want to be when you grow up and try to find a job that gives you training and experience in that area.Go to the library and use the ASVB prep test book so you can score as high as possible.Keep your head, and whatever you do don t run away to New York !!!!Your life is worth something .As bad as it is , it can get a lot worse.

Do not come to NYC, there are predators aou there that will eat you alive.

Start with WHO GOES TO THE BEACH. Then follow the directions carefully.? -

1 - Print the PHRASE WHO GOES TO THE BEACH. 2 - Delete the consonant that is adjacent to the last vowel___________. 3 - Change the second letter from the left to the letter that comes after it in the alphabet._______. 4 - Move the last letter to the immediate right of the S._______. 5 - Delete the last consonant__________. 6 - Reverse the order of the three letters at the center of the row_______. 7 - Change the first letter to M.______ 8 - Change the central letter to R_______. 9 - Move the last consonant to the left two positions.10- Delete one of the set of double letters________.

EDIT IDuncan00 - I have sent you an email independently, explaining the rationale! Regards JJ1. WHO GOES TO THE BEACH2. WHO GOES TO THE BEAH3. WIO GOES TO THE BEAH4. WIO GOESH TO THE BEA5. WIO GOESH TO THE EA6. WIO GOETH SO THE EA7. MIO GOETH SO THE EA8. MIO GOETR SO THE EA9. MIO GOETR SHO TE EA10. MIO GOETR SHO TEAThis may appear to be nonsense, but don t worry about it. Transfer this to your next question!10. MIO GOETR SHO TEA (carried forward from part 111. MNIO GOETR SHO TEA 12. MNIO GOETT SHO REA 13. MNIO OETT SHO REA 14. MNIO OETT SHO RE 15. MNIO TEOT SHO RE16. MNIO EOT SHO RE17. MNI EOT SHO RE18. IMN EOT SHO RE19. IMN OT SHO REI M NOT SHORE shore = beach and a pun for I m not sure nb. in my original answer to your part one I removed the set of double letters (both e s) and not just one. I have now corrected this mistake!

I don t get anything intelligible.EDIT: JJ, transfer this to your next question? What next question? What steps are you taking to get that answer?