It depends on if you really want a credit card from Chase bank or not. With the Southwest Airlines Visa you earn rapid reward dollars that add up to credits which lead to round trip tickets. It takes 1200 rapid rewards dollars to earn 1 rapid reward credit. 16 rapid reward credits earns you a round trip ticket. If you use credit cards for all of your gas, groceries, and everyday spending and then pay it off every month then the Visa is what you should get. For every $1 in purchases that you make you get 1 rapid reward dollar. So basically you have to spend $1200 to get 1 rapid reward credit. If you do the math you have to spend about $19000 to get a round trip ticket with the Southwest Visa by Chase.Hope this helps.
Apply the card especially you travel a lot, you will be get reward ticket soon, but you need to pay $59 annual fee