Dallas weather in March is extremely variable and unpredictable. The temperature can be anywhere from about 20 F to 90 F, sometimes all in the same day. On the average, though, it s fairly warm that time of year (average daily highs in about the 60s to 70s F). There s usually some rain (and sometimes hail) in March, but it isn t one of the rainiest months in Dallas. Lots of wind is typical at all times of year in Dallas. I ve also seen dust storms and even ice storms in March, but rarely.
Spring weather and changeable. Have layers ready for it can be short sleeve weather in the day and jacket weather that same night.
My b-day is March 3rd and we have had 80 degree days and one ice day. Texas weather varies to much. I would look at the weather channel website in March before I packed.
its nice but it can be tricky