uc schools are research and theory based. if you want to become a professor or continue onto graduate school, then the uc system is better for you. uc s cost more, and are more selective. however, they have a better reputation.csu schools gear more towards practical or applicable careers. calstates, in my opinion are better in every sense other than the reputation that graduating from ucla/ucsd/berkeley will yield, as the professors train you with more useful knowledge.it depends a lot on what major you re going to select. obviously, if you d like to go into a research-based field such as psychology, medicine, mathematics, etc, then i d choose a uc. if you are looking into business, liberal arts, or the humanities, then i would suggest the csu system.if a csu school works with your learning style, then you should choose that, especially if you re planning on going to graduate school. though the uc s cater towards advancing to grad school, you should choose the school system that you will thrive in as far as the speed (uc s are quarter, csu are semester), the class sizes (csu tend to be smaller), professor/student interaction, and such go.good luck, and i hope you go to a school that you love.
you should ask this question in the higher education section. but i can answer your question. i go to csulb and it is a pretty good school. although UC s are ranked better than the cal states, this does not necesarilly mean it will benefit you in the long run. what i ve noticed is that UC s are more research oriented schools where as cal states are more designed to get people ready for the labor force. if you are any type of science/ math related major then i would choose a UC. they are definetely better for those majors. but other majors like business/fine art/ i would choose a cal state. if you are talking about what kind of job you get. it really doesn t matter these days whether you get your degree from UCLA o CSULB unless you want a phd because UC s are almost more than twice the price of Cal States, so that is something to consider. so bottom line, if you are a science related major and you can afford the tuition, i would go to a UC. if not, Cal States are a great school system. good luck.
I have attended both a UCLA and graduated from CSUN, and basically the 2nd answer got it right!be aware though, it is much harder to get into a UC school than a CSU
The amount of money you ll pay. It s only a name. You ll be learning the same S|-|IT.