Would be extremely helpful to know where you are flying from,. but it costs about$400 roughly on the cheapest flight round trip from east coast to west; but its always more at Xmas, plus major airports are cheaper than smaller sometimes. Cheaper flights are also probably filling up as the holidays are only less than 1 month away. AT $10 paid per week, you will not have enough $. Ask for a trip to CA as a Xmas present. Or shoot for next year.
JETBLUE. haha, i fly roundtrip east to coast all the time. It ranges from 30-300 depending on when,where and how long. Try babysitting,working more around the house,making hot coco since its cold selling it,sell your old stuff(clothes,camera,phone,ipods,compute�� not to spend any money over the next couple weels and ask your parents for lunch money,but dont spend it pack your own lunch secretly. my friend did that every week(her mom gave her around 20-30 bucks a week for lunch)and she packed her own lunch and saved the money and she earned like 2,000 by the end of the year and she had around 200 by the end of the month or so.Good luck happy holidays 333
Depends the state in where you live in is what depends on the cost of the tickets.You can go around your neighborhood and ask to babysit, watch their pets, wash their car, etc.