Saturday, June 14, 2008

Where is the best vacation spot for a single guy? -

I will be coming back from a deployment in June and want to go somewhere within the U.S. that s going to be a blast for a single guy to go to. I want to spend 4 nights some where in the U.S. in July. I currently reside in VA. Cost is not much of an option and I just want a good time with a few ladies if you know what I mean. Lots of friendly night life is a must.

The Redneck Riviera,Myrtle Beach S.C..Check out Thee Dollhouse,Penthouse Club,The Masters,and Pure Gold Crazy Horse.Pretty much all business s in M.B try hard to show their appreciation for our servicemen and women.I recommend The Caribbean Resort Villas for a place to stay.Almost forgot,there is pretty much anything you want as far as fishing,golf,shows,etc and nightclubs,and restaurants.

french quarter in new orleans is my favorite party spot, even more so than vegas--and it is total debauchery year round--not just during mardi ggras

go to Las Vegas