I live in Cleveland, Ohio and Hubby and I are having a debate. He wants to move to California. He says because the cost of living is higher there, he said he would make more money there with the same job to make up for the higher cost of living. I say the opposite... You will find the same job making the same money. Who is Right?and if you have time to answer this one..... Hubby has his on TV show in Cleveland. Feels as though moving to California will give him more opportunity in the Entertainment field. I feel the opposite Smaller pond, less fish, more opportunity vs. Larger Pond, more fish, less opportunity.What do you think?
You re both right. He ll make more money, but the cost of living is higher. If $40,000 a year is middle class in Cleveland, then $80,000 a year is middle class in California. So, you re right that the outcome money wise will basically be the same. The only way it would really be beneficial is to go out to CA, make $80,000 and then come back to Cleveland with the money you made.I m not sure about TV networks in Cleveland vs. networks in CA. California is the hub of the entertainment industry, but there s no guarantee of getting into it. I don t know enough about the TV industry to say.
Right the cost of living is higher, so if you make more money you ll still come out living basically the same way you do now just with a larger paycheck and larger bills. I think that you never know until you try and maybe try to support him with his dreams.
The unemployment rate in California is worse then Ohio right now. He should explore options in LA but not move until he has a firm gig lined up in LA.
Yeah sure go to California. Buy a big fancy car house with a view. Join all those other head trips out there flashing a fake smile by the pool. Also buy Hubby a new hat that will fit his ego !!
California is a great place but they are having a financial catastrophe there right now.
I have to agree with you. I feel his chances are just as great in Cleveland on both issues.
You re right, competition is fierce in all aspects of California living, that s one of the many reasons why I decided to leave the Bay Area for Arizona. Since you re husband does understand that California is much more expensive than Ohio in both cost of living and taxes, then it s just a manner of how much you two can deal with. Although California is known for its high cost of living, it s still quite possible to have a good life there. Your husband is right, wages here are higher so it s about relevant, but taxes do eat up income pretty voraciously there. I would check out the CNN Money Cost of Living Calculator: http://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/costofliv�� to compare the cost of living in both cities. Otherwise, California is a wonderfully beautiful state with a stunning topography and pleasant climate. I wish you both a pleasant compromise.