Im a young guy only 18 years old,but but i ve been thinking.When I get my act straight,get a career and maybe fall in love I want to move over there.Why?I don t know it seems calm and not very populated.I live in Oceanside California and i dislike it.It just seems too boring,and not enough unique life style,unique sights,unique people.I know its crazy for me to talk about this but I have dreams.How is it in Maine,describe it to me.Would I do good over there?Maybe I want to either do Auto mechanics most likely or Psychotherapy.Any work like that over there needed?Remember im just dreaming,and setting it as a goal...Im still too young!It will be years later until i ll even get serious about the idea.
Stephen King himself is from Maine, and still lives there. That area of the country is a really beautiful place, and the fact that someone like King, who has TONS of money, still chooses to live there (at least part of the year) is a testament to how nice it is. I believeMainers really enjoy outdoor life and take advantage of it even during long winters. Skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, hunting, fishing etc are all really popular among countless other activities. The coast of Maine is nice too, especially for a swim on a hot summer day.The seasons are beautiful, but you have to adjust to snowy winters as Maine can get some rough winters. I think in more warmer climates a lot of people tend to take good weather for granted, but in places like Maine once you transition from winter to summer, it makes you really appreciate nice weather. Overall, it can be a pretty be a pretty peaceful state, lots of outdoors to enjoy...As for your career path....I m sure mechanics are in demand, as many folks keep vehicles like their work truck or whatever for a long time. Psychotherapy...well, that is needed everywhere as well.