It might be a little late in the game to get a reasonably-priced airplane ticket.As far as driving that far, it is a pretty seriously long way. You might consider doing it in two days rather than one. I used to go up and down the East Coast when I was in school several years ago. 15-16 hours in one day is a SERIOUS road trip. 26 hours could be done in one stretch if it were life or death, but for anything less than that, it s not a good idea.Truth is, the road trip will suck, but you ll be glad you have the car. It s not a bad way to make friends at school either. Hey, you need a ride to the grocery store for some chips and soda? Sure why not. And you want to bring your hot roommate along with us? Umm ... okay. :) Don t forget that a LOT more stuff fits in an automobile than in a suitcase.A long road trip is liberating too. It will make you really feel like you are moving on to a new life when going away to school. I say go for the car option. If you feel like it s a really long way, see if you can figure out a way to break it up as much as you are comfortable with. Know anybody between Texas and Idaho that will let you crash on a couch for a night? Give em a call. Nobody minds having a student couch surf for one night. Good luck!
Definitely fly it .Regardless of what your mapquest source claims you can t actually drive from Houston to ID in 26 hours In the real world you re looking at a 2.0 to 2.5 day drive