Same here in Brooklyn. Manhattan is commonly called The City But it s still Manhattan. You can really stump her. The Hudson River is really a Fjord, just like the ones they have in Norway. And it s a Tidal Strait also.Times Square is in Manhattan, but Manhattan College is in the Bronx. And West New York? It s in New Jersey.
nO they don t always refer to Manhattan. They refer to all the 5 boroughs. Because when you get to Nyc, you arrive to the airport which is in queens. Some people then prefer to stay in queens and come visit Manhattan during the day. When people come to Nyc to watch a yankees or mets game, they either go to the Bronx or Queens, not Manhattan. When people check out the Brooklyn Bridge and walk over it from Manhattan, they end up in Brooklyn and they stay and see Brooklyn.(Coney island, Dyker Heights Christmas decorations, Verrazano Bridge, etc) Or when they want to take a free ferry from Manhattan through the hudson, they end up in Staten Island. Every borough has something to offer* So when people refer to New York City it is all the boroughs. The only people who call Manhattan, the city are New Yorkers. That s because Manhattan is what connects all the boroughs together, it s like the center of everything therefore it s the city to us. Like it s the main place connects the other 4 boroughs and New Jersey. So we call it the city Not New York City. There s a difference. I hope you know what i mean. *ANd of course Times Square is in Manhattan
Having lived there for 6 years, working on Wall St (Manhattan) and living in the Bronx it used to seriously annoy me that people state that only Manhattan is NYC (nearly always people from Manhattan of course). Was I not paying the same taxes as they were!?And as you said, yes, Times Square is in Manhattan.
all 5 boroughs are New York City. the confusion arouse because some knucklehead out-of-towner misunderstood the fact that Manhattan is still, anachronistically, called the City by residents of the outer boroughs, it s just a nickname, the whole thing is the City of New York.
Times Square is definitely in Manhattan and natives of New York s outer boroughs usually mean Manhattan when they say the city although of course, all 5 boroughs are considered part of New York City and have been since the closing decade of the 19th Century.
I refer to manhattan as the city . Everything else is called by it s name - the Bronx is the Bronx, Queens is Queens, SI is SI, Brooklyn is Brooklyn.
New York is made of 5 boroughs but all confusion comes from mailing address. For Brooklyn for example it is Brooklyn, NY, for Manhattan it is New York, NY.
Generally speaking, outsiders refer NYC to only Manhattan, but NYC includes all the 5 boroughs. And of course TS is in Manhattan.
Times Square is in Manhattan.NYC is the 5 boroughs, and sometimes when someone says NYC he does mean Manhattan but not all the time.
Of course Times Square is in NYC.