Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What casino is the closest place to the bay area where i can play blackjack? -

There are 4 casinos near the Bay Area River rock is a little closer than the others if you are coming from the Bay Area. Red Hawk however is just off the freeway; you get off the exit and it is right there unlike the other casinos.1. River Rock riverrockcasino.com(707) 857-27773250 Highway 128Geyserville, CA2. Cache Creekwww.cachecreek.com14455 Highway 16Brooks,Ca 956063.Thunder Valleyhttp://www.thundervalleyresort.com1200 Athens Avenue, Lincoln, CA 95648 4.RedHawkhttp://www.redhawkcasino.com1 Red Hawk ParkwayPlacerville, CA 95667