They are for strippers . And they will strip you...down to nothing. It s a little shady,but, certainly not criminal. They make all their money based on the fact that silly guys are expecting that something sexual will happen. The guys keep paying and anticipating sex. The customers seem to forget that prostitution is illegal in the city of Las Vegas. After watching a so-so strip show and forking over several hundreds of dollars, the customer is brought back to reality as he watches the girl pack up and leave. This almost scam is run by out-call and massage parlors all over Las Vegas. There s nothing that can be done since the paying customer was committing a crime in exchanging money for what he thought would be sex. It s a very lucrative business. There will be money exchanged, there will be a beautiful woman, but, there will NOT be sex. For prostitution you must go to a brothel.
No, those women are actually their mothers-in-law. Them Mexicans sure love to show off how hot their mother-in-law is. Yes, they will come to your room, and you can touch and feel for yourself it s the genuine article... for a small fee ifcourse.
Prostitution is NOT legal in Vegas but those ladies could offer you something for a large amount of money, something like VD you will take home. IF you want to partake then drive to Pahrump an hour away for legal brothels
allegedly strippers, and escorts. but you might be able to work something out with one of the ladies. never actually called though. they are probably ugly and the chick on the picture doesnt even work there
Legally they are selling entertainment and escorts. If you and the girl do an extra transaction on the side, it is illegal in Clark County.
They re for escorts or prostitutes.
Just ads for strip clubs or escorts.
Just strip clubs my dear, you ll have to go to the ranch for that
Yes they are.
What do YOU think?
minkus, yes they are .