Thursday, February 5, 2015

Kansas City, MO Metro Bus: What buses go to Independence, MO (40 Hwy and Noland Rd)? -

I need to make a trip, KCATA website is currently down like my stupid car... and I can t find what routes travel to Indie, MO mainly to 40hwy and 291 any one an expert? TIA! :)I would be catching the Metro home to downtown to Indie. I need the Indie bus number to get me to 40Hwy or Noland.

Google Maps, my friend. In addition to driving and walking directions, it will also give you Public Transit directions! My link below is for a generic route, but you can specify any two addresses you want. It will also figure out the walking portions of your route for you - where the closest bus stops are, etc.But to answer your other question, it looks like # 28 will get you to Blue Ridge Crossing, and then # 251 will get you to the HyVee at Noland and 40.

Rev. Roki is right. Bus # 28 will get you from Independence to Blue Ridge Crossing, and then transfer to Bus # 251 to get to the HyVee at Noland and 40 (40 and 291).