Watch out man, they ll blame it on you. I m cracking up because I know exactly how you feel.I can attest to that not in a hurry excuse, but I think it s just a matter of being overcautious in the name of being courteous. We both know, being too courteous is just as dangerous as being a speed freak lunatic on the highway.For example, the other day, a motorist stopped suddenly at the entrance of a driveway to a grocery store parking lot to allow me to cross in front of her car. Meanwhile, about five cars behind her had to slam on the brakes and make dangerous moves into the next lane to avoid rear-ending her. She s patting herself on the back because she s so nice and friendly, stopping for me, the pedestrian, whereas I m yelling at her to get the F** in the parking lot so she doesn t plug up the busy street any longer.If you come from a fast-paced auto-oriented city, you time your existence around people driving with some authority and getting the heck out of your way, not stopping suddenly to yield a right of way that is theirs to begin with. Portlanders don t get this because they pride themselves on being so friendly . So they stop at green lights and at intersections where they don t have stop signs.Drives me crazy too. And no, I ve never been in an accident that was in any way my fault, haters!EDIT: Ooh, yeah, I can attest for Boston too. I ve driven in 3rd world countries, and Boston has been my worst driving experience by far. The only time I seriously questioned turning down the insurance coverage on the rental car!
Gotta love the finger-pointing by the locals. When you are deficient, just blame someone else, especially the foreigners . It s what makes Portland more of a provincial hick town than the cosmopolitan city it claims to be. Report Abuse
Your road rage is a major reason why Oregonians consider Californians to be such bad drivers.Oregonians generally value courtesy and prudent judgment more highly than technical ability and skill. Californians tend to value things the other way around. This leads to interesting and baffling disagreements over which state has the better drivers.If you are a pedestrian or bicyclist in a random city in Oregon, you ll appreciate the Oregon caution quite a bit more. If you actually attempt to cross a street in any Californian megalopolis��and especially if you bicycle��you ll especially appreciate Oregon s philosophy.
LOL. Oregonians are very polite and slow people. Those drivers you see are all transplanted from Los Angeles. They are the ones who give people the finger while driving and honk at you and act like animals. Believe me, they are from Los angeles.
This is Oregon, we smoke a lot of weed here and not in much of a hurry. In fact, just wait til you get to a 4 way stop sign go, no you go, no you go Boston is worse, that is why they are called Mass holes
I have lived in both states........and take the Oregon drivers over the ones from CA any day !
**** you....because we can...