Depends on what you want. Manhattan is where most jobs are and a lot of the night life. It isn t the ONLY place, but about 1/2 of what goes on, goes on there. You can live cheaper, with nicer people and less crowding in the outer boroughs though. Travel is usually pretty good, almost as good as if you live in upper Manhattan. If you find a nice bar or club to hang out in, you ll meet the people you re looking for.
Nobody s promising you anything :) but you could achieve your dream in either NYC or California. You should come visit before you make any firm commitments, and you should save up a lot of money before attempting to make the move.
i would think so(: (though i live in NC to love it haha.) they have a lot of jobs in NY, great shops, plenty of nice people(: haha great place to go to start a new life i went there on vacation it was great