Friday, January 25, 2013

Moving to Nashville, TN. Any good information for me? -

I will be moving to Nashville, TN in the next two weeks. I am looking to find things to do as well as employment opportunities. I have a four year old daughter and also looking for things for her to do. Does anyone have any good information for me? Thank you.

hi there,information for on the highlights in CONTENTS, this link answers everything..,_��with the following links,scroll down the left handside for your info,or zoom in on the map..good luck with your move..attractions.. source=s��parks.. source=s��employment agencies source=s��children s activities source=s��regards,if you know the address your moving to,type it into the question bar,it will show you where you are,then zoom in and have a look, ie=UTF8 l��please feel free to e_mail if you get stuck..regards pops..

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