Friday, March 19, 2010

What do accents from connecticut in the usa sound like? -

im from connecticut and i got a uk account by accident but i want to know if i have an accent???

I live in Salt Lake City but grew up in Stamford, CT. I m always told here that I have an Eastern sounding accent, but people don t always guess Connecticut. Stamford is close to NYC, so there is a slight New Yorkish accent, but not as strong. I have met people out here who have a heavy NY accent...mine is only slight.( say you have an uk account ...did you mean an English accent?...I lived in Birmingham, AL for awhile and not everyone who spent their lifetime there had a strong Southern accents can be interesting. If you ve never been to England and have an English accent in CT...that s very interesting.)

Depends which end of CT you are from, If you live in the Northeast part of the state, you will have an accent similar to that of Bostonians, and if you live in the southwest part of the state, your accent will be more like that of New Yorkers. And in the middle, your accent will have elements of the two

See if you can identify any one on the list below and that should give you some idea.Apparently the Carpenters are from New Haven.