Saturday, July 12, 2008

I am moving to Colorado next year and I was wondering...? -

I am kind of scared. I am excited about it but...anyone have snow experience? Driving in it? Living in it? Working in it? I love the cold and the snow but I live in Texas at the moment and I know it will be a change. So is there any advice you can give to prepare me? or put me at ease? or is it something you just have to get used to?Thanks

As Charlie said, driving in fresh snow isn t bad, its the packed icy stuff that s tricky. Since we are used to snow here, everything usually keeps going as usual, our plows do a decent job, most stores/schools/offices stay open unless its a blizzard that is accumulating feet. Most people here love the snow, otherwise they wouldn t be here ;) I would suggest taking a driving course if you are really concerned about it, Master Drive is a great school around here that teaches you how to drive in the elements. As for living here, snow sports are really fun if you are interested in trying a few...skiing, snowboarding, tubing, sledding, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, ice skating...

i live in Colorado. and i love the snow! it can be a bit tricky to drive in the snow sometimes.. but maybe that s cause im only 17 lol. but just make sure you bring warm clothes. and the weather here changes ALOT! one day it could be snowing. the next day its 70 degrees out side. its crazy but it keeps things exciting. i think you will like it alot here in Colorado!

Driving on fresh snow is not bad...driving on packed snow and on ice are the problem.either sign up at a driving school or get a friend with experience to teach you when you get there.

Where in Colorado ? Parts of the state gets snow measured in feet. Metro Denver in inches.