Actually, the East Maui Volcano has erupted about 10 times in the past thousand years, which makes it relatively active. Kilauea, on the other hand, has been continuously erupting since 1983. For the most part, the volcanoes in Hawaii are shield volcanoes, which mostly erupt basalt lava, instead of explosive eruptions or pyrocrastic flows like you get with stratovolcanoes and such. You can get your human body out of the way of the lava rather easily. What is not so easy to do is to move your house. If lava threatens your house in Hawaii, you will probably watch it happen. And you will pray that lava will catch some trees on fire, which will then burn your house down before it gets swallowed by lava. You will pray this because you cannot get volcano insurance, but you can buy fire insurance. Those of us in Hawaii who do not live downhill from an actively erupting volcano are a little more worried about earthquakes and tsunamis. A tsunami that comes from a local quake or landslide will come with very little warning. If we feel an earthquake enough to knock us down, we know we need to start running inland. We have a siren system that will tell us if an earthquake far away--Chile, Alaska, Japan, California, Samoa, etc.--threatens Hawaii with another tsunami. We had some bad ones in 1946 and 1960.
Stay calm. You re talking about if it erupts, right? Turn around and RUN as fast as you can the way you came. If you re not fast, try hiding behind a large rock. It must be larger than you. Climb onto the top of it if its really tall and you should be fine.
Pretty much stay calm. The lava mostly moves pretty slowly (anywhere from 15 inches a day to 15 mph). So there s not much to go crazy about.
There is only one active volcano on the Big Island. All the rest have been dormant for thousands of years. I think you need to stop watch disaster movies.
i would stay calm get what i need to get and get the hell out