Sunday, April 2, 2006

Which US state is best suited to me / should I move to? -

Hello All. I m currently considering the prospect of moving to the US or Canada, I m thinking maybe I ll take a year or so doing a working holiday, possibly moving around a bit, so multiple options is fine.Some of my qualities and wants/needs in a location are: Somewhere prefferably a colder sort of climate (snow in Winter) City like environment, where people are open minded and theres plenty of city life and good metropolitan areas. Affordable living... within reason obviously. Relatively large population (not significantly over populated though - to the point where it effects the quality of living) Somewhere that is scenic, whether it s mountains or a beautiful city scene, somewhere pretty :) A pretty welcoming place, lot s of friendly people.Any advice would be great thankyou :D x

Hello again Sammy , this is quite the adventure you wish to embark upon . So I will offer some suggestions , having been in every city in the continental U.S. over the past 25 years both big and small . I am slightly prejudice toward New England , which is the northeastern U.S. Although most of Connecticut is rather expensive as well as Boston . This area of the country offers some of the most beautiful change of seasons views anywhere in the world . Including the upstate areas of N.Y. state . All big cities here in America require a substantial income or a room mate to survive and they offer little in life and scenario . While the nightlife is incredible , but that does grow old . I m a country boy at heart . The midwestern cities are all mostly affordable and great to live in as I have lived in one . However , no mountains , not much to look at unless you live along the great rivers . Boise , Idaho however has incredible views and reasonable living costs . Most of the eastern Rockie mountain cities like Denver are without a doubt great places to live . The great North West is filled with artists in their cities of all types , fairly reasonable living costs . But for me I love to visit there , but not really a desire to live there . I am currently in Florida attneding some more education . Florida is ridiculously expensive and frankly , I m not intending to stay here beyond my education . no real change of seasons and unreasonable costs as compared to what you must pay to live .

well most big cities in the US are a little pricey, mostly because of tourists, so try settling in a smaller city first, then move to bigger places once you have some money saved up. I suggest a state like Colorado or Oregon. Denver, Colorado is a very nice, friendly city and u can be sure to get plenty of snow in the winter. Denver is a big city for Colorado, but compared to L.A and New York City, Denver is pretty average in size. Another suggestion is Oregon. It has beautiful sceney and the climate is just what u are looking for.

Have you looked into how you will be able to live and work in the US or Canada? Visa options are quite limited. You may want to look into that and figure out what you qualify for before deciding where you want to be. One (how) might heavily impact the other (where).Good luck! I hope you do get everything sorted and have a great experience!

Denver maybe Billings montana is big but not a big city with tall buildings but it is an amazing city Mountains all around and its not very far from Yellowstone National Park

DenverUpstate New YorkMontreal