Saturday, April 1, 2006

I am 23 and moving to Denver. Wheres a young/hip area to live? Is the Lodo district safe? -

I ve never had a problem in LoDo. i work downtown and walk to my car about 5 blocks away after sundown.But i did see a junkie try to take this poor lady s purse on the mall ride one morning. My b/f, the driver, and i all chased this guy down and called the cops.Also apparently there are some muggings going on in downtown lately.��But it is the hip place to be i guess. If you cosider wering and argyle patterned t-shirt hip.

Most parts of it are, yes, however its pretty pricey. Parts of Capital Hill are nice. The Highlands/Englewood area is nice (its mostly young people but some are young families as well).

Boulder is a great area for someone your age.But then again, it depends on your personality.

Theres no shortage of bars in Lo-Do thats for sure!