JOBS. there are tons of job opportunities. if you have a degree, you can get a job. if you dont have a degree, ...u can still get a job. hahaha. FOOOD. tons of food. all different types of food. PEOPLE. all different types of people from different cultures and backgrounds. i love new york. the parades, the parties.. the transportation. you dont need a freekin car to get around. i mean, you can have one, but if you dont have a car, guess what? its not the end of the world. thousands of people take the mass transit system. and dont be scared to walk through the other boroughs..other than manhattan. manhattan is beautiful, but if you want a taste of different cultures, go to brooklyn also..i cant speak for queens or bronx etc. im a brooklyn and manhattan person. but NYC is great.. ---the only con i can think of is that rent is freekin HIGH. 800 dollars for a studio!!! 2 bedroom? umm that would be about 1000 or higher.. so yea.... i dont know about that.. but other than that its pretty cool. =)
just the overall convenience of being in a city, and the resources one can find there.
you ll have a variety of EVERYTHiNG !