It solely depends on the (unknown) citizenship of your father. The Japanese residence permit has no relevance. Unless he is a citizen of one of the 35 countries participating on the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) he will need a B-2 tourist visa [fee: $131]. Asian/Pacific countries whose citizens may use the VWP are Australia, Brunei Darrussalam, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea; all others need a visa.�� ..�� ..Edit: Based on your previous question asked in Portuguese:citizens of Portugal don t need visa; citizens of Brazil need to apply for it.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
People who has a permanent visa in Japan needs an american visa to visit US? -
actually i m a student in US and my dad lives in Japan as a permanent resident!he wants to come to visit me.Will he need an american visa to get in US?