It s very risky buying Disney tickets on Craigslist since you don t know what you are going to get. People often try to sell partially used tickets but Disney tickets are not transferable, this is why they scan your finger when you enter the parks. So if this ticket was used by someone else you might get to the gate and discover that the ticket is useless.
It can be risky buying Walt Disney World tickets from unauthorized source, particularly from an individual. If you re seeking a discounted option, you might choose an authorized wholesaler in the Orlando area. They buy tickets in bulk and can resell them at a discount. The tickets are new and legitimate and, although the savings aren t huge, they re a safer option. Since you re leaving so soon, I would probably recommend the Official Ticket Center or Maple Leaf Tickets, who can deliver your tickets to an Orlando hotel for a small fee.
No I haven t because they re always a scam. Park tickets can t be sold that way because once someone has used them at the entrance gate it scans their finger, if someone else tries to use it will be rejected. Save yourself the money and the stress and just buy them at the parks. They re expensive, there is no way around it but trust me, any tickets for sales at a good price online are always a scam. Don t fall for it.
Try That s where I got mine for next month and I saved $30 from buying them anywhere else! I d say avoid CL because it s pretty sketchy! Have fun, WDW is the best! Disney tickets are linked to their original owners by a biometric scan of the finger. Essentially the tickets are linked to you by your fingerprint. If you try to pass through the turnstile with a ticket that doesn t match the scan associated with that ticket the gate will lock and you will not be allowed through. That s true but you don t get scanned until the first time you use your tickets.
Better to pay once at full price than to buy from some individual and pay twice, once at full price and once you wasted. Not to mention the disappointment at the gate.