With out more information, such as budget and lifestyle desires this is really a hard question to give a good answer too.Generally speaking UCD Med Center is not located in one of the more stellar neighborhoods in Sacramento. The campus its self is safe 24 hours a day, but get a couple of blocks away and things can get dicey.I live in one of the best apartment complexes in Sacramento, located on a major bus line that would be able to get you there in less than an hour, at a cost of $100.00 a month.If you can provide more specifics, either here on your question, or if you want shoot me an e-mail through my answers profile and I will be happy to give you a better answer.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Can someone recommend some apartments in Sacramento, CA around UC Davis Med Center? -
The target location would be around UC Davis Med Center, but any quality recommendation would be appreciated. Ease of access to the hospital would also be a plus. Alternatively, a general location in Sacramento to research decent apartments would also be helpful.