Sunday, July 26, 2015

Can I move to California then join the job corps? -

I have tried to join the Army now 3 times. I have been disqualified for a few different medical reasons. Its quite depressing when you find out you can t do what you want and get college then hear you are deformed lol. I am also a gay male who has pretty much lost all his friends ever since he has came out. My parents say I need to see a therapist? Because I have no friends.Well I am saving up my money and should have about $5000 come March of next year. I am wanting to move to San Francsico because my major is computer engineering. I am thinking I could get on as a low end job and see if there is a program to pay for your college. I have been a dispatcher in my home midwest town and these skills are needed in some areas. If anything could I live in SF and join the job corps? How long would I have to be a resident? I hope to attend Comunity College of San francisco someday after my year of residency is up.

Don t trip on your parents and do what you want to do. Five thousand dollars is plenty to get started in San Francisco. You may want to consider silicon vally (San Jose) later after school for what you want to get into. My niece went to the job corps there. Just get settled in temp housing someplace and then register. I don t think there s a time limit on how long you need to live there. The job corps there is nice, I have been there. It s on Treasure Island overlooking San Francisco. My nieces program there was six months long. You can just stack your money. Don t tell them that you have money. She finished and went straight to work as a secretary for the Oakland Raiders. You go as far as you will like. Do your research before you get there.