Depends, if you like more of the scenic area and landscape... Big Island, Maui, Molokai, and Kauai would be a good place to move to. There aren t a lot of shopping malls and a lot of the island is preserved. It s quit breathtaking. However, Oahu is the most industrialized island. Lots of tourist attractions, malls, you name it. I was born and raised on Oahu, pretty good place to raise your kids.Oh, yeah, the crime rate on the islands are low. You don t hear too much about shootings, murders etc. Just thought I d throw that in, any island would be a good place to go!
Aloha!If i still needed to work and didnt have an internet only job I would have to live on Oahu - there are more jobs on this, the most populated island!Rents will depend on if you live in Honolulu or in a smaller community outside of the city, even then the cost of living is high, so do your research and be prepared! Compare it to living in NYC or LA
i d have to say the Big Island,born and raised here and its probably one of the best islands to be on in my opinion and experience.