I don t think San Francisco is very familiar with the term affordable, but the best place to find a big amount of listings all at once is to surf around craigslist. You can scope everything out by neighborhood. Beware the tenderloin!!
Daly City is nice, but it s pretty far away from your workplace. The Richmond and Sunset districts are nice, too. They re a little more chill and there is less burglary. There is a very low violent crime rate, but the petty crime rate is quite high (pretty much anywhere in San Francisco). The Inner Richmond area is only like a 15 minute bus ride or an 8 minute drive (it s about 2.5 miles) from where you are going to be working so that would probably work out. Some places are a lot nicer than others and I think Richmond is a pretty relaxed, low-crime, affordable place.
What means affordable ? the richmond, sunset area is kind of affordable for $600 to $700 per shared room and easy commute.Some area in Daly city is not safe, and you must buy two transit passes to get SF, bus ride time is 1hr 30min to your work place.All those 3 places are majority Asian( 80% to 95%)
The city is too expensive for you. You should try Daly City and share a place with someone. DAly City is only 10 minutes from the city.If you still prefer the city, there are illegals inlaws studio - which is terrible (condition) to live in.
you may be better off geting a roomate and living in the eastbay.7 or 8 hundred dollars a month is about half the rate for a nice 2 bedroom place in Oakland or Hayward.
You re joking, right ? A tiny studio will cost you $1,200 a month. You can rent a room in that price range.This isn t Mississippi, things are high here. Big mistake,pal.And traffic is a nightmare in the City.
I would check out craigslist for room shares you may..find something a room in an apartment or house. (sharing the apartment/house)
Foster City-ish