It really depends on what field you want to go into, and what you are as a person. Michigan State felt like a factory to me, processing people. The women all seemed like they were trying to achieve some breed standard. East Lansing was a suburb that happened to run alongside a school that was heavily committed to agriculture, technical and teacher education. I made a vow early on that I would not buy any garment or accessory with Michigan State printed on it. It is much later, and that is one promise that I haven t broken.Then I lived in Ann Arbor for four years.It seemed much more like an Ivy League school, the culture of the city was far more supportive of the arts. The women were much more cosmopolitan, more international. If for some reason I could no longer live in Cincinnati, I would certainly look closely at Ann Arbor. There is a bar in Ann Arbor with a brass plaque that commemorates the place where some guy developed the ide for the cloud chamber, which was important in the beginning of nuclear physics. At Michigan State the Ag School had a cow with a glass panel in her side and you could buy ice cream that was manufactured on campus.I had a friend in high school who said, You can t eat atmosphere. But it sure makes a difference in what is available. You re going to make a lot of choices in the next four years. Do you want to do it at a cafeteria, or would you prefer a smorgasbord?Those opinions are based on experiences which are decades old. You should really spend at least a weekend at each of them before you commit. You re probably too young to go into the bars, but somehow they are an indicator of what the people are like.
GO BLUE!!Michigan is better in every aspect. That is not to say that Michigan State is not a good school. MSU is actually a great school. If you get accepted to each you should go where you feel the most comfortable. I made the mistake of going to the wrong school and it set me back because of transferring and the crap that was associated with that.