There are plenty of good neighborhoods for you to consider in San Antonio. It would be difficult to say which ones are right for you without knowing what price range and other qualifiers such as desired commute time, proximity to schools if this is important, etc. If you will visit my web site, you can search the entire San Antonio Multiple Listing Service real time, find out more about the San Antonio area, and learn whether you qualify for the Homes for Heroes program. You will also find my contact information. I will be happy to discuss your home search with you and answer any questions you may have about the San Antonio real estate market and your needs.
you want to live up north. (thats where i live)like maybe alamo heights.definitely stone oak or encino park neighborhoods. (281N)if you live in stone oak or encino park area your kids (if you have any) would go to school in the north east district. (best district in SA).i live in encino park and walk around my neighborhood at 3am in the morning. also i can leave my car unlocked without it getting jacked.basically you want to live in the north east.and there are so many chances of seeing tony parker and eva!! (i saw them at the movies).