Sunday, April 13, 2014

Do i need a new change? im scared? -

i moved from italy to usa 1 year and half ago...i live in florida,wich i love like crazywith the economy things are not doing good,so a friend of mine ask me to move in philly..he got a place for me and a job...he is ready to give ma a help...nice nice guy.i very happy to be in florida,but im having a hard to find a job and i got a rent to pay every month..i never been to philly,and im worry..what happen if i dont like it? what about the winter?everytime i think about this new change i cry like crazy,but also i feel like i dont have any chance....any advice? have somebody there felt the same way i do for a new chage?thank you for all of you will give me an advice to feel better.

Yeah Mitchies making senseIf you really trust him it might not be such a bad change.Look into the work he found you, you really should know what you re going to be doing and who youll be working with. I wouldnt say its a bad idea to call your future emplyer and get to know him/her and the work, benefits, etc before you make the long move.And do you know what the home looks like, what living there is like? Has he informed you of all of this already? Is he dependable? You want to make sure this friend wont run out on you and leave you with all the bills. Be careful.As for Philadelphia itself, it can get pretty cold, youll need winter clothing.Coat, sweaters, scarf, gloves, boots, ear muffs, long sleeved shirts and pants etc.Dont run in the cold air. Youll see why if you do.Its always a good idea to wear layers of clothing so when the temperature is unpredicatble or you re going indoor to outdoor alot, etc, you can remove and add layers as you need to.The city has lots to do, its a lively place. You might end up enjoying yourself. Its kind of similar to NYC but with horses lol.If it doesnt work out, look for work and home in Florida again. At least now youll have some money on you.EDIT:Change is scary, esp when moving to a place you re not familiar with. But youve done it once before right? From Italy to the USA? The decision is really up to you kid.Good luck

grEat question....ok lets come to the u trust that friend???...will that friend go with u??..u never been on that place or no one lives there.??....well if i was at ur place i would not go...wat if ill have problems??...

Who is this guy? Do you know him really well and is he 100 percent honest and reliable? If you have even the littlest bit of doubt about him, don t go.I think Florida is much friendlier than Philly. People here are nice but somehow it is harder to get to know others. Winters are cold and can be snowy. Stay away if you hate the cold.On the other hand, if you are desperate for a job, maybe you need to follow the money. Change is SO HARD. Would you consider going back to Italy?Good luck. I feel bad for you. I know how hard it is to make these decisions.