Saturday, December 21, 2013

If you wanted to move to another state, which state would you Choose? why? -

Arizona (preferably the Phoenix area) Nice and warm and sunny all year long and lots of outdoors things to do there

I m pretty happy in the state I live in now.Lots of people would want to move to North Carolina and I think it would best if I stay put.But if this cold weather really gets on my nerves, I will moves Southward.I would say Georgia would be my state of choice.It s in the South, rarely gets cold, lots of nice people, lots of healthcare jobs too.

I would stay here in Michigan. we have the great lakes and over 11,000 inland lakes we also have hundreds of rivers and streams and over 200 waterfalls. Lake Michigan has the best beaches and beautiful shore line.there is so much to do here all year long. Lake Superiors Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore is breath taking the boat cruise is a must we have an amusement park here called Michigan s Adventures. we have so many beautiful places to go camping and hiking. we also go canoeing kayaking tubing and rafting here.

new york city bcuz i love this city and althou i LOVE beaches and sun...theres nothing better than nyc for me =) just a question of money thou haha

The whole USA is soon to be a giant 3rd world sewer. If I was gonna book now I would convert my money to rubles and live in Costa Rica or the Philippines.

Wisconsin, or maybe New Hampshire or Vermont.

Floridathey are all perverts like me