Near campus, good luck. You can park on the north side of Russell Blvd between Anderson and Hwy 113 or on the first block or so of Sycamore near Russell and on Wake Forest in front of Cuarto. In either case, you have to move your car at least once a week when it is street cleaning day. These spots are usually parked up by freshmen just like you plus your car will be covered in bird crap. You can generally park for free on campus Saturday, Sunday and weekdays after 10pm. Downtown is all timed parking from 30 min - 2 hours and after that time you have to move to a different block. All of the neighborhoods anywhere near campus have restricted parking that you must have a resident parking permit. Whatever you do, don t try to park at the U Mall or any other shopping center, they will tow you in a heartbeat. And after winter break expect the parking to get even worse as more freshmen always decide they need a car.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Where can I park my car off campus for a few weeks by UC Davis without getting fined? -
I am a freshman at UC Davis and they don t allow freshmen to have parking permits because they believe we don t need a car. But, a car is very convenient and would make life a whole lot easier for me. The problem is I don t know a place to park my car during the week for free. I know downtown Davis has a lot of parking restrictions and parking garages, but the price is five dollars a day and that can really add up in two weeks. Does anyone know a place I can park my car (relatively close to the campus) for free/cheaply without getting the parking ticket?