The Leonid Shower peaks tomorrow afternoon 11/17, at 3:45 PM CST. Meteors will still be showering overhead for hours and it is advised to check them out between 2 AM and 4 AM. Get a blanket and lay down to look straight up:����You ll also need an umbrella and you will not see it because of ambient light and rain with clouds that is predicted:����To the south in Terre Haute, IN or Joliet, IL you will also have clouds plus rain.Going west to Aurora, Il isn t much better although there s a window predicted between midnight and 1 AMIf you head north to Kenosha, WI. you ll find the same rain and clouds.
i think a bet chance of catching them would be on the 17th, at 21:40 gmt or 3:30am to 5:30 am EST. u might see upto 15 shooting stars in an hours. be ready with your wishes :)