Moving to another state is not like moving to a foreign country, its more like moving across town. And you would follow the same steps you would use to move in your home town as you would in Florida. The resources you would use (classified ads, craigslist, real estate agent, apartment broker) depends on what you want to do. Are you buying a house, renting your own apartment, looking to rent a room with roomates, moving into a dorm, etc etc? Some of the things you would need to do in a new state would be obtaining that States drivers license/id card. But you can t do that until you have a local address to prove you are a resident of that state. You may also need to get a new bank, if your local bank is not represented there. If your working in your new state, you would also need to file your income taxes there, but not till tax time on April 15th As for college, steps you you need to take depends on what type of college your going to. Community College, State University, Private Technical college, Beauty College? Some you just mail them a check and your high school transcripts and your in. Others you would need to petition and hope for the best. Some may offer money and assistance and resources, other schools would offer little or no help
Well, if you interested in inexpensive places to live, the only one I can think of in Central Florida, is a little town called Lakeland. It s about halfway between Tampa and Orlando, and my friends have a pretty nice apartment there for about 500 per month. I d have to say though, the first step to moving to Florida, at least if you are definitely going to go to college, would be to apply at the college of your choice.