Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hi everyone, I am totally stressing out with the thoughts of speding money for Hawaii, as this is the? -

The what? Hawaii is my favorite vacation destination. I would go every vacation if I could afford it but I can t and so I save my money until I can. Go to Hawaii and you will see that like most of us you will not be able to wait until you can go again.

My wife and I were in Kauai for our honeymoon. Yes the prices are a bit higher than what we are used to paying back home, but it was not so outrageous that we are bankrupt either. Just know that Hawaii has to import a lot of things so items may cost more. I was surprised that gasoline was not as expensive as I thought it would be. Milk in some places was about $8 a gallon but we went to a Safeway grocery store and bought it for $4 a gallon. Fortunately for us, our hotel resort had a kitchen so we cooked a lot of our meals thereby saving some money. Also I bought a package which included airfare, car rental and hotel so we saved some money there. A vacation can be expensive but it also depends on how careful you are with your money. We went to a timeshare where they try to sell you a condo and ended up getting free tickets on a boat ride.

don t stress. you don t need money in hawaii. that s why they call it paradise. because it s free. you can sleep at the beach for free, under the stars and the ocean breeze. it s very nice. just bring some blankets because it can get cold sometimes. or you can just build yourself a nice apartment, just find some cardboard boxes and some newspaper, and there you go, you got yourself your own beach front apartment with ocean side view! you re going to have a wonderful time! food is free too! like, outside some restaurants, if you look in the garbage cans, you can find some of the best most delicious foods! you won t believe the stuff they throw away! very delicious! You don t need to rent a car too, because it is a small island, so you can basically can walk anyways you please. but if you get tired walking, all you need to do is stick your thumb out at a car, and it will stop and give you a ride anywhere you wish! isn t that great!!no need money! hawaii is a paradise, free for all to enjoy!!

Not sure what you re asking, but Hawaii is the most expensive place I ve ever lived. I imagine it would be much more expensive for tourists, since they don t know the cheaper local places to go to. I ve never paid so much for gas, food, or housing before and I ve lived in Silicone Valley. At one point, I paid $8 for a gallon of milk.

is the...what? anyway spending money on a vacation is going to be expensive..but if you are moving there I don t know what to say.