Thursday, July 18, 2013

Anyone know a decent Train Station that is affordable and will take me from Boston Ma to Somewhere around NYC? -

For new years eve me and some friends plan on going there for the show. We need to find a train station that will take us from boston massachuets to somewhere around New York City for a affordable price. It could answer with a website that would be fantastic. Than you :)

The only train option is Amtrak, which runs from South Station or Back Bay Station to Penn Station in NYC. But the buses, which all go from South Station or Back Bay Station to various spots in NYC, are fast, clean (mostly), and dirt cheap if you purchase in advance. Try, (which leaves from Back Bay Station),,

not sure about train but there are A LOT of busses that go from south station (boston) to NYC. For example, Fung Wah Bus (about $20).

south station