Sunday, May 19, 2013

Is it faster to buy concert tickets from the seller in person, or to buy them on line? -

I wouldn t neccessarily say online is faster, since purchasing them at the booth gets you instant gratification, but it s definitely easier online. You will have them before going to the show, and you are guaranteed to get tickets - not always the case if you wait and buy them at the event. Tickets are usually a little bit cheaper online, but they also usually charge a random fee, like a venue fee or something to make back the extra $$ you save. Sometimes you can order tickets online and pick them up at the event rather than have them mailed to you, that way you can guarantee your tickets, but don t have to worry about forgetting them or losing them.

On-line and pick them up at WILL CALL. Sometimes the lines at the show location are really much toooooo long....and you have to make a special trip over there to get them...needless hassle...

Because of fake tickets I personally would buy thru the hotel on line or in person when you arrive.