Sunday, April 14, 2013

What month/s in Southern California when there is mist every morning? -

I love mist because its not cold and hot. It refreshes me and keeps me awake going to school. In contrast, I hate cold because it is much harder to wake up.

I lived in Santa Monica. There was always a lot of coastal fog .. Jan Feb I loved it too. Real thick fog where you cant see the person walking next to you. Not always a good thing in LA --- LOL Even December can have a nice mist in the air. Always loved going to Disneyland then, made it seem more like Christmas w/ a mist

i live near LA and about 2 miles from the beach and it was extremely foggy, in fact this mornign was the foggiest morning we ve had in a long time, you could barely see 30 feet ahead of you. the best months are winter through early spring.

We usually get mist in the winter time. It does get cold in the mornings.If you still want to wake up in warmth, go live in Southern Texas or Florida.