Thursday, December 27, 2012

D.C weather in late March? -

I am going to Washington D.C in late March, and I am wondering what clothes to bring. I live in Hawai i where it is rarely ever below 70 degrees, and I know I will have to go buy some things. I am attending a formal conference and I am not sure what to wear that will keep me warm as well as look chic and comfortable. I know I should buy a coat, but what do I wear for pants? Because it s formal I can t wear jeans. Thanks in advance!

Average temps are just that: averages. Like the other poster said, the day could be 40 degrees or 70 degrees.I suggest bringing a warm jacket and wearing short sleeves. If it s cooler, wear the jacket. If it s warmer, you ve got the short sleeves. For slacks, khakis or business casual slacks are fine -- you won t need wool for sure.The odds are that it s going to be around 55 give or take 10 degrees.

It tends to be a little cool in late March, but not as bitterly cold as it is in January-February. Dressy pants will work (if you re cold, wear stockings underneath), or you can wear heavier tights with a skirt.You probably won t need a heavy coat; a simple trench will probably work.

Rainy and chilly.Usuley around 50-60 degrees. I don t personally think it s cold, but my friend from hawaii complains about the weather from September to May. So.. I d go with just regular warm cloths like coats and hats and all that stuff? Imean, I don t know what your doing, but would they let you take your coat off at the door? Also, like I said it does rain a lot then.

in late march it can be anywhere from 40 to 70 degrees Farenheit... it really depends